New Regulations for Handball Goalkeeping Penalties

New Regulations for Handball Goalkeeping PenaltiesNew Regulations for Handball Goalkeeping Penalties In an effort to enhance fairness and consistency in handball, the International Handball Federation (IHF) has introduced new regulations for goalkeeping penalties. These regulations aim to clarify the criteria for awarding penalties and to ensure that goalkeepers are not penalized unfairly. Key Changes * Rule 12:10c – The goalkeeper must now keep their feet on the goal line throughout the execution of the penalty throw. Any movement of the feet before the ball is released by the shooter will result in a penalty retake. * Rule 12:10d – The goalkeeper is no longer allowed to step forward or backward to narrow the angle of the goal. They must remain on the goal line and may only move laterally. * Rule 12:10f – The goalkeeper’s entire body, including their arms and legs, must be within the goal area when the ball is released by the shooter. Any part of the goalkeeper’s body that extends outside the goal area will result in a penalty retake. Rationale for the Changes * Fairness: By requiring the goalkeeper to keep their feet on the goal line, the new regulations prevent them from gaining an unfair advantage by moving forward or backward to narrow the angle of the goal. * Consistency: The clarification of the movement criteria ensures that all goalkeepers are held to the same standard, reducing the likelihood of inconsistent penalty calls. * Game Flow: By preventing goalkeepers from delaying the execution of the penalty, the new regulations help to maintain the pace of the game. Enforcement Referees will be responsible for enforcing the new regulations. Any violation of the rules will result in a penalty retake. Teams will have the right to challenge a penalty decision by filing a protest. Impact The new regulations are expected to have a significant impact on the sport of handball. They will make penalty throws more difficult to save, potentially increasing the number of goals scored. Additionally, they will promote greater consistency in the application of the rules, reducing the likelihood of controversial decisions. The IHF believes that these new regulations will enhance the fairness and integrity of handball and promote a more enjoyable and competitive game for all stakeholders.


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