Minneapolis Braces for Unprecedented Hailstorm, Residents Urged to Take Shelter

Minneapolis Braces for Unprecedented Hailstorm, Residents Urged to Take ShelterMinneapolis Braces for Unprecedented Hailstorm, Residents Urged to Take Shelter The City of Minneapolis is on high alert as the National Weather Service (NWS) has issued an unprecedented severe thunderstorm warning, predicting a massive hailstorm set to hit the city within the hour. Forecasters are warning that the hailstones could be as large as golf balls or even tennis balls, posing a severe risk to property and infrastructure. Residents are being urged to take immediate shelter to avoid injury. The Minneapolis Fire Department is preparing for emergency response, and all city services are on standby. Public schools and other nonessential facilities have been closed, and residents are advised to stay indoors until the storm passes. “This is a potentially life-threatening situation,” said Mayor Jacob Frey. “We urge everyone to take this warning seriously and follow the instructions of authorities.” The NWS predicts that the hailstorm will begin around 5:00 PM Central Time and could last for several hours. Residents are advised to seek shelter in a basement, interior room, or the lowest level of their home. Vehicles should be moved to a covered area or garage, and outdoor furniture and other objects should be secured or brought indoors. Broken windows or other structural damage should be reported to the authorities immediately. The City of Minneapolis has activated its Emergency Operations Center to coordinate response efforts and provide updates to the public. Residents can stay informed by monitoring local news and social media channels. “We understand that this is a stressful time,” said Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo. “But we urge everyone to remain calm and follow the instructions of our first responders.” The hailstorm is expected to move through Minneapolis quickly, but residents are advised to remain indoors until authorities confirm that it has passed. If caught outside, seek shelter immediately in a sturdy building, car, or under a bridge.


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